We all need guidance...

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From having to get direction to an address you are unfamiliar with, to searching for a new school for yourself or a family member, to getting information about a new assignment or job, to starting up a new project or business… the list is endless. At one point or the other or for specific reasons, you will need a guide

Getting a guide is a brilliant solution to avoiding difficulties in achieving or carrying out your plan. This is where we come in… At ORS Strategies, we are diverse and amazing at all we do. From Leadership to Business and Entrepreneurship, to Personal coaching, our seasoned consultants are readily available to guide you into making your dream a reality.  Click here for more details

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Business and Entrepreneurship

From the ‘dream or seed’ stage to the ‘already existing’ to the ‘it’s time to expand’ stage… whatever stage your business is currently at, our consultants are eager and well equipped to work with you to get (and often times even achieve much more than) your desired results.

Study Abroad

While you go all out to be the best at what you do, leave it to us to ensure that your travel plans are well handled as seamlessly and efficiently as possible. Whether you plan to travel to Canada, US or UK for tourism, business, studies or work, you need our professional guidance to help put you through

Leadership Training

Ever heard the saying’ “Leaders are not born but made”? Well we have heard it too. We even went the extra mile of putting it into practice. Whether it is for a new job role or for personal development, we have seen our clients build self-efficacy, skills and the motivation to lead

Let’s help you get the results you desire

Your business idea does not have to stay a dream forever. It’s time to make it a reality

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+1 (587) 434-9890

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Let’s help you get the results you desire